At PetsApp, our unwavering commitment is to act as the best data stewards for veterinary clinics. Unlike others in the industry, we have…
Read moreJames Harris & Cate Titterton·5 October 2022
What is culture in the workplace and why is it important?
How does having a successful culture effect your business and the people in it?
What are the do’s and don’ts when creating, maintaining and communicating your culture?
This webinar will take a pragmatic approach to an important but often neglected subject in our profession, led by two vets who have lived and breathed a strong positive culture for the last decade and now have the opportunity to develop the culture of a new business.
Learning Objectives:
👏 Understand the relevance and importance of culture to my business
🐣 Be able to create a new business culture or improve existing culture
😱 Be aware of the pitfalls to be avoided in company culture
Who are James and Cate?
James Harris Ma VetMB CertSAM MRCVS
After nearly 25 years in small animal vet practice I have seen the best and worst of our wonderful profession. Experiences have ranged from emptying anal glands at two in the morning to performing thorascopic pericardiectomy in the same general practice. Building on the management experience as Group Clinical Director of White Cross Vets and Group Veterinary Advisor for IVC, I now am involved in a brilliant new company called Harrison Family Vets with aspirations for clinics across England. This fully independent vet group has a focus on outstanding client service and team engagement.
Cate Titterton BSc (hons) BVetMed MRCVS
Having graduated in 2005, I spent the initial five years of my career searching for what appeared to be a mythical job. One where quality veterinary care was delivered, and strong leadership and team engagement were as important as the balance sheet. I found the job that superseded my expectations and stayed with the same company for ten years with roles as a Clinic Director, Operations Manager and Group Clinical Quality Support. The company culture was more than just words on a wall, we all lived and breathed it. Many larger veterinary practices now shout loud and proud about their core values and principles which have been conjured up by bosses sitting in offices. It seems to be a common misconception that this will lead to the desired company culture. The reality is that it is team members who really drive culture. Words are not enough if their behaviours, and those of company leaders, do not correlate with the message being published.
At PetsApp, our unwavering commitment is to act as the best data stewards for veterinary clinics. Unlike others in the industry, we have…
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